
Star Trek: 001

Star Trek: 001 was an RP started in 2003, created by user RMrulz (Mike Dunham), on a now non-existent Trek forum called E:Earth BBS. It was participated by numerous player/writers. When E:Earth integrated with the now non-existent Trek forums Helix BBS, the RP was integrated along with them. After some months, the RP was brought onto its own separate forums. The RP ended after 9 episodes.

The year is 2752, and the future of the Federation hangs in the balance. A new power has arisen to fan the flames of war. This alliance of empires is banded together under a common banner and cause - the annihilation of the small remnants of the Federation left after the fallout from numerous wars prior. Fleet Admiral Thomas Garrison and the crew of Starbase 001 are the last defenders of freedom in a galaxy gone mad.

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